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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  November 22, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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you can watch all ten of our heroes being honored thanksgiving night right here on cnn. anderson cooper hosts "cnn heroes." an all-star tribute 9:00 eastern. grab your families an friends and be inspired. one hour from now in the "cnn newsroom," the health care shoudown. how will things shake out? we'll talk about where the senate goes from here. 150 workers sent home. a closer look at what caused a radiation leak at three mile island all coming up with don lemon in one hour from now. fredricka whitfield in the "newsroom." fareed za cara gps starts right now. this is "gps," the global public square. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria coming to you this week from london. we begin the show with an exclusive interview with maziar bahari, the "newsweek" reporter who spent four months in an iranian prison. he has written about it in this
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week's "newsweek." he has a harrowing, moving tale to tell. and then the main event. i'm just back from new delhi where i spoke with the prime minister of india manmohan singh. in his only television interview on his trip to washington, d.c. let's get started. -- captions by vitac -- everyone has forgotten you. those were words maziar bahari heard every day from interrogators during the four months he spent in solitary confinement in an iranian prison. maziar is my colleague, a fine journalist who works for "newsweek." he's also an award-winning filmmaker. he was arrested along with hundreds of others during the protests that followed iran's disputed election. the end of his ordeal came in october when he was released on bail of $3 billion reales, equal
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to 300,000 american dollars. he flew back to his home in london just days before his wife paola gave birth to their first child, a girl. i'm delighted to welcome maziar bahari as my guest today. thank you for coming here. >> thank you. >> take us back to the 21st of in iran. >> well, i was asleep. it was -- i think it was around 7:30, 7:45 in the morning. i was staying with my mother at that time. i was between apartments. and my mother came in. came into the room i was sleeping. and she said, there are four people here. they say they're from the prosecutor's office. she already had doubts of them. and they want to take you away. >> so they take you away right away. >> they took me away right away. flrp there were five cars waiting outside. we headed north from my mother's house. i asked them whether they were going to take me to iraq prison.
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they said maybe we do maybe we do not. so everything was uncertain from the beginning. but when we headed north i realized that they were going to take me to -- >> it is the military prison. it's a place where there's been a lot of tofrture. there have been western journalists who have died under torture. >> many people. >> so you're scared that the point when you realized. >> i was very scared. i mean when i went to the prison and i realized -- i remembered all of the interviews i had done in the past with different people who were tortured in prison. you know, i remembered all of those interrogation stories. solitary confinements. long hours of interrogation. everything. yeah, i didn't know what to do. >> and when you get there, they still don't charge you? >> in the beginning i was charged with masterminding the western media in iran. that went on for about ten days. after that -- >> in fact, they said, i see in your article in "newsweek" they said they accused you of working for the cia.
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massoud and "newsweek" as if all intelligent agencies. >> and not only that they mentioned your name as well. they said that your editors fareed zakaria and christopher dickey, they are part of the american intelligence apparatus. and i thought to myself, fareed never told me that. >> i assume they had no sense of humor about this. you had to be very serious. >> i had to be very, very respectful, very differential and i had to be very serious. >> but you were interrogated for hours and hours and hours. and at some level you had nothing to say because you were just doing your job as a journalist. so what would you say to them? >> i would just say i am just a hack doing my job. i'm not a spy. my interrogator told me that i was going to be executed every day. i mean every time for about three months he told me that one day, 4:00 in the morning, after the morning prayers you wake up and you see the news in front of you. and i make sure that i -- the
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person who will kick the chair off your feet. and then you will be hanging. and then that's the end of you. so i was living with the threat of execution for almost three months. >> and why do you think he was doing that? to scare you? >> to pressure me. >> and to force you to say something? >> exactly. he was trying to scare me. and he was trying to put me under a lot of psychological pressure in order for me to submit to what they wanted me to be. i mean, i had physical torture as well. but the psychological torture was much more effective. >> what was the nature of the physical torture? >> kicking, punching, slapping, hitting with the belt. humiliation is the main thing that they do to you in evin prison because they just want to humiliate you so much that you just took me to whatever charges they're throwing at you. what they wanted me to really do was to name different individuals and fabricate facts
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about them in order to make cases for them, you know. and especially there were reformists, there were other journalists. and because they didn't have anything on them, they just wanted me to make up things in order to put them on trial or persecute them. i don't know what. but that was the first thing i told myself that i was not going to do. to name any individuals. first of all, i didn't know any secrets of any individuals of importance. and then i thought that if i was going to fabricate the facts about them, i could not live with myself. i mean, i'd rather die, you know. >> what was it like to be in solitary confinement? >> it's -- it might be the most difficult part of prison to be in solitary confinement. you know in the koran alla says one of the punishments for
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sinners is to contract their graves. to make their graves smaller. when you're in solitary confinement, you see the walls approaching one another as if they're becoming smaller. it's as if you are in a grave and you start to hallucinate after a while. >> when you're in prison and you think that you might be getting executed and this guard is constantly, this interrogator's constantly saying that to you, what are the thoughts that go through your mind? take us through. it's such a rare experience to be that close to death. what is going on in your head? >> actually, after a few weeks when he threatened me with executions, i thought that you know, so what? i can be executed and that's the end of it. and sometimes i thought you know, it's better than being in solitary confinement for, i don't know how long. because some people, they had to spend their -- you know, three, four years in solitary
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confinement in islamic republic. and i contemplated committing suicide twice. i had my glasses. the same glasses in jail. and a couple of times i just looked at these glasses, and i thought, well, i can always break the lens. and i just can cut my wrist. and i was just thinking that -- how long it's going to take to bleed to death. how long it's going to take to bleed to death. and i started to think about it and then i just thought, no, i'm not going to do that. why should i do their job for them? if they want to kill me they can do it themselves. i'm not going to be their executioner for myself. and, you know, i had so much to lose. i have my family, of course. i have my wife. i have my child and i have my mother. my family and friends. and it's just -- but they're masters of psychological torture. they know exactly what to do.
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>> so, maziar, the last phase of your imprisonment, 20 days before you are released, something begins to change, you said. why do you think it changed? >> it was mainly because of the international campaign for me. and because of the international pressure. but also because of the internal pressure. as you know most of my colleagues, including yourself and many others, they campaigned for me. and, i mean, it was a nonstop campaigning. i didn't know anything about it. i didn't know anything about it until actually one day in september, my guards, the prison guards, were very nice people, actually. they were not part of the revolutionary guards. they were very professional. they started to call me mr. hillary clinton. and when i asked them why did you call me hillary clinton they said because hillary clinton talked about you last night. and they showed it on iranian television. >> which was actually on this program. >> exactly.
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>> i have to ask you a question that's of personal interest in "newsweek" reporter in maziar bahari has been arrested and is now going through what can only be called a kind of stalinist show trial. what is your reaction to that? >> well, i am just appalled at the treatment that mr. bahari and others are receiving. and it is a sign of weakness. it demonstrates i think better than any of us could ever say that this iranian leadership is afraid of their own people and afraid of the truth and the facts coming out. >> so at that moment i know that you know, there is some sort of campaigning, massive campaigning, actually, was going on. because otherwise the secretary of state of the united states would not talk about me. so it was maybe the best day in my imprisonment days. >> the one thing i wanted to get to which i forgot. so when you're in the prison, they start asking you about an
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episode on "the daily show" with jon stewart. >> yes. >> talk about that. >> that was really absurd. as you know, i was on "the daily show" maybe a week before my arrest. and in that sketch jason jones, the correspondent for "the daily show," he pretends to be a spy. he pretends to be this redneck american who doesn't know anything about the middle east. he has this palestinian scarf with sunglasses. and one day my interrogator told me that we have really damning video against you. i was just wondering what it is. they showed me this video. and i was just -- i was going to ask them, what you've been smoking? it's unbelievable. and i ask them, i hope you don't believe that he's a real spy. and then they said, we're sure that there's something suspicious about him because why
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is he pretending to be a spy and why did he choose you to be on his program? >> maziar bahari. a great pleasure to you have back and to have on the show. >> thank you very much. and we'll be back next week with more from maziar bahari. how he got out of prison. what he thinks of iran. and the future of the iranian opposition. do you feel that pakistan has done enough to bring to justice and to give you intelligence about the terrorists who planned the mumbai attacks? >> no, they have not done enough.
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i'm just back from new delhi where i spoke with the prime minister of india manmohan singh in his only television interview on his trip to washington, d.c. as always, first some thoughts of my own. manmohan singh is a fascinating figure in his own right. a man born in rural poverty who rose to become finance minister, head of the central bank and now prime minister of his country. he's an unlikely head of a raucous populist democracy. he's a quiet cambridged trained economist who loves to read. by all accounts he and president obama have forged a good personal relationship. but the visit of india's prime minister to washington is about more than personalities. it is the first official state visit of the obama presidency. it should be an occasion to celebrate and solidify the alliance between the world's largest democracy and the world's oldest democracy.
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but in fact, so far the obama presidency has been marked by a series of small fumbles and miscues in its relations with new delhi. in america we think a lot about south asia. and we now call it afpac. fixated on stabilizing afghanistan, washington seems to be relying more and more heavily on pakistan to tackle the taliban problem. in doing so, more disushingly, washington seems to be adopting the world view of the pakistani army, an army that created the taliban and despite $10 billion of aid from the united states, has taken no serious steps to dismantle it. pakistan's long-standing position has been that it has a right to see a pro-pakistani government in afghanistan. the respected expert harrison noted that in an interview him in 1988, pakistan's president
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demanded "a regime to our liking in kabul." last year a pakistani general told the director of the cia, quote, that pakistan has to support the taliban in afghanistan otherwise india will rein. and now general stan mcchrystal has echoed the pakistani line by increasing indian influence to afghanistan is likely to exacerbate. pakistan and afghanistan here in trouble. but dysfunctional small states don't create opportunities for political stability and world order. a strong relationship with india has that potential. if the obama administration does not build on it, it will have missed a great opportunity. mr. prime minister, thank you very much for joining us. >> well, i'm very happy to be here recording this interview with you, fareed. >> when you look at afghanistan,
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do you believe that the american presence there has contributed to stability and is contributing to stabilizing the situation? >> well, all i can say is the rise of taliban in afghanistan created a major problem for the world. and that the disappearance of the taliban regime is indeed a blessing for the global society, global politic. >> the problem in afghanistan is largely a problem of disaffected pashtuns that they make up 50% of afghanistan but 100% of the taliban. do you believe that there should be some kind of political outreach to the taliban or to members of the pashtun community who may have allied themselves with the taliban? is there a political deal to be struck there? >> well, i think that president karzai having been re-elected,
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it is his responsibility and his obligation to harmonize and to bring together all elements who can contribute to reconstruction and development in afghanistan. and i hope that he will rise to the occasion. >> has he done so, so far? >> well, i think there have been limited efforts before. and i -- yesterday in his inaugural address he agreed with dr. abdullah, to work with him. so i hope that all elements of -- societies which are opposed to the elements can get together to give a purposeful -- a purposeful government to the people of afghanistan. >> the united states is trying to stabilize the situation in afghanistan. is trying to help president karzai establish a stabile government there.
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what is pakistan's objective in afghanistan, in your view? >> well, i sometimes fear that pakistan's objectives are not necessarily in harmony with the u.s. objective. pakistan sometimes feels that the americans are westernizers. that they will not have the courage to stay. they will walk away and that afghanistan will become a natural backyard for pakistan to influence its policies and programs. >> so you think they want an afghanistan that is a pakistani people? >> yes, i think that that appears to me. >> is it your sense that the pakistani government and the pakistani army are taking active measures to destroy the afghan taliban as distinct from the pakistani taliban?
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>> well, who am i to judge? i think what secretary clinton when she was in pakistan recently, i think she did ask, i think, publicly that quetta, the leaders of aftghan taliban, whee are they? that cannot be unknown to the people in pakistan. so that is an indication of things that are happening on the ground. >> do you think that the pakistani army will ever take on the afghan taliban? those terrorist elements that attack, not pakistanis, but afghans, indians, perhaps westerners? >> i'm not certain whether the pakistan army will take on those elements. >> who do you think is running pakistan right now?
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>> well, i think the most important force in pakistan is the army. and there is democracy. we would like democracy to succeed and flourish in pakistan, but we have to recognize that the power today rests virtually with the -- >> do you feel that you have a partner in pakistan right now with whom you can negotiate. >> well, i don't know whether we have a partner right now. i think when general musharraf was there, i used to ask him, and he said, well, i am the ardent. i represent the armed forces. i represent the people. now i don't know who to deal with. >> when you look at the situation in pakistan, do you worry about the collapse of the state and the nuclear weapons moving into the hands of either
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some radical element within the army or terrorists? >> well, we worry about all these contingencies. >> do you feel that pakistan has done enough to bring to justice and to give you intelligence about the terrorists who planned the mumbai attacks? >> no, they have not done enough. they have taken some steps. i have discussed this matter with the prime minister. he assured us that he will do -- pakistan will do all that is possible to bring to justice the perpetrators of mumbai massacres. but a sad's feeling that
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pakistan has not done enough. he's ruling around fear. mehsud and other terrorist elements. according to pakistan's own admissions, is actively involved in perpetrating this massacre in mumbai. they are moving around freely. the conspiracy to place in pakistan. so a friendly pakistan, a government in pakistan which would be equally determined to tackle terrorism would, i think, to take the case to its logical conclusions. but that has not happened. >> do you see any prospects for productive negotiations on cash -- kashmir with pakistan?
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because you were close to some kind of deal with president musharraf before he had to leave office. >> well, i've publicly stated that there can be no redrawing of border. but our two countries can work together to ensure that these are borders of peace. that people to people contacts grow in a manner in which people do not, i think, worry whether they are located on this side of the border or that side. if trade is free, trade people to people contacts and both countries competing with each other to give a life, to enable the people on both sides to lead the life of dignity and self-respect, those are issues which we can discuss. we can reach agreement. >> and we will be back with more from the indian prime minister right after this.
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let me ask you about the trip you're about to embark on. you have famously had a very good relationship with president george w. bush. do you have any apprehension that the obama administration will not be as favorably disposed towards india as the bush administration was? >> i have no apprehension that our relations with the united states would in any way suffer because of the change of the administration. >> when one travels around india these days and reads the newspapers, talks to people, you get a sense of a great deal of connection and interaction with the united states at every level. at the level of business, at the level of universities. is the relationship between indian society and american society actually now stronger than that between the indian government and the american government?
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>> well, our relations are at the people-to-people level are of great significance. the fact that there's a large community in the united states, people of indian origin. the way they have flourished. the way they have become rooted. to the growth of the economy. i think has changed indian. and i often say to our guests abroad that these days are there hardly a middle-class family in india who doesn't have a son, a son-in-law, a brother, a sister or a sister-in-law in the united states. i think that's a great incentive for our two countries to look to further development of our relationships. >> you are going to go to washington with some specific objectives. one would be to get the united states to ease up on some of the restrictions in terms of transferring nuclear technology to india. that is in a sense the operationalization of the
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nuclear deal that you signed with president bush. do you worry that there might be undo restrictions placed on these transfers and that the obama administration may be too concerned about issues of nuclear proliferation and will not transfer technology to you? >> we are a nuclear weapons state. but we are a responsible nuclear power. we have an impeccable record of not having contributed to unthoru unauthorized proliferation of these weapons of mass destruction. i think india does require greater concentration of the global community. india needs to industrialize. india needs to operate on the frontiers of modern science and technology and therefore, restrictions on these technologies affect growth. we need a growth rate of 8% to 9% to get rid of chronic poverty and disease which still
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inflict millions and millions of people in our country. and in that context, industrialization and transfer of dual use technologies can play a very important role. >> let me ask you to put on your hat as an economist. you're a very distinguished economist. what is your reaction to this extraordinary global financial crisis that seemed to come out of the blue, seemed to have a much greater impact than anyone was able to foresee initially? what made the system melt down one year ago? >> well, lax regulation. and monetary policies which are far too liberal. they should have been tightened much earlier. but they were not tightened. and, therefore, this coupled with laxivity of regulation
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continued to this bubble which had to burst. >> isn't it ironic that india and china and a couple of other emerging market countries during the boom were actually much more vigilant with regard to their monetary policy, raising interest rates, restricting credit, whereas in the west there was a what lax attitude, as you say? so one usually thinks of the advanced industrial world as having better economic policy than emerging markets or third world countries, but it seems as though the roles have reversed? >> well, i don't want to wish to comment on individual countries, policies. but certainly, we were more prudent. events have shown that this prudence has paid us. our banking system has not been exposed to the distressed assets
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of the banking system that other countries have been disposed. and therefore, our natural prudence and plus i think the good separation of our banking system by the regulates authorities have contributed to this favorable outcome. >> do you think this crisis casts a doubt or casts a poor light on the american model? and does this in some way affect america's power, its soft power, if you will? america was seen as the leading example of capitalism around the world. the advanced model. and does that now cast some doubt? >> there is a temporary setback, a temporary questioning about the intelligence of the american model. but i have seen these things much before. i think way back in the late '60s. a very famous economist at yale, a professor wrote a very famous
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book "gold in the dollar crisis." the currency of the world. that the united states should take a lead to move to a more neutral -- but things change. and the united states recovered from difficult economic situation. it has shown remarkable capacity to bounce back. the entrepreneurial spirit which is a hallmark of the american enterprise system, i have no doubt that these things are not permanent, irreversible shifts, but that the american economy has the capacity to bounce back to its normal growth. >> so the russian government and the chinese government in various ways have been suggesting or hinting that they might prefer a world without the dollar as the reserve currency. you do not share that view? >> no, no.
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the power to create money is an index of power of nations. and as far as i can see right now, there is no substitute for the dollar. i think even the chinese are hesitant also of the fact that they told $2.5 trillion of reserve assets. they have not disposed of even a fraction of debt. the iraq problems, there is the confidence problem which can be very destabilizing. but my own feeling is that we have not entered an era of irreversible shift in economic strength of the united states. >> what do you think about the prospect of the rise of china within asia? this is an economy already three
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times the size of india's economy and is still growing faster than india's economy. >> well, i think the rise of china has contributed handsomely to sustaining the growth momentum in the world economy. and as far as india is concerned i've said it many time that india and china are not in competition. we believe that there is enough economic space for both countries to realize the growth ambitions of our respective country. and that's the attitude which guides us in dealing with china. >> but you know many outside visitors go to china and they go to india and they are struck by the energy with which the chinese are both building infrastructure, the ease with which you can set up businesses, and they wish that they could see a similar -- a similar process in india.
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>> well, i have no hesitation in saying that i think development in india cannot be a carbon copy of what happens in china. the chinese system is very different. we are a functioning democracy. here even if you want to acquire land i think you will run into serious problems. that's a part of operating a democracy. and democracy is slow-moving. i have always believed that we'll be slow-moving in the short term, but in the long term, an arrangement which has the backing of the people at large would prove to be more durable. >> and we'll be back with more from the indian prime minister right after this. i just c't swing a vacation. >> thank you, m.i.t. and two outstanding m.i.t. professors. ( coughs )
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we'll be back to our interview with prime minister singh in just a moment. what got my attention was sixth sense. no it's not esp and nor is it not the m. knight shamaylan movie. this is a high-tech device. maybe the highest tech device ever that let's you go seamlessly between the digital world and the physical world. for example making a framing sign with your fingers and the computer takes a picture. take a look at the weather forecast printed hours ago on the back of a newspaper and notice you have the up-to-date weather forecast superimposed on it. take out a piece of paper and play a video game on it and dial your cell phone on your hand. these are the ideas of this man. one of the stars of the recent ted india. who is ted, you might ask? ted is an extremely influential set of conferences held every year in the u.s. and the uk to talk about the future of creativity, high-technology and about innovation. it's very cutting edge. and for the first time in the
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organization's 25-year history it has just held a major conference in india. it's a sign that india's becoming one of the great innovation capitals of the world. with ideas moving seamlessly from west to east. he is doing his work at m.i.t. he's far from alone. a report out this week says india has more students in the u.s. than any other nation. more than 100,000 went this year alone. the vast majority of them will go back and innovate in india. and you're also seeing the rise of home-grown innovation in india. much of it targeted towards the poor. you may think that's a bad business model. why innovate for people who can't pay for it. but when there are hundreds of millions of people, it starts to make great sense. the world's poorer will set at the ted conference are worth up to $13 trillion a year in revenue. one concern, trying to capitalize on that. honeybee network which supports little grass roots innovation by
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india's farmers and other rural citizens. gupta was another of the featured speakers at the t.e.d. conference and his organization has helped to bring to market a refrigerator made of clay which uses no electricity but keeps things cool and fresh for days. and there's another interesting appliance. this one invented by a 14-year-old girl whose chores were taking away from her studies. she invented a pedal-powered washing machine. the 21st century will belong to those who can command the idea. the t.e.d. highlighted india's richness in that currency. the nation's teeming masses of human capital. its ease in the english language. it's existing connections into the global economy. all of these things make it well placed despite its third world status to be a true leader in innovation in this century and we'll be right back. because of one word, a new generation-- a fifth generation-- of fighter aircraft has been born.
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because of one word, america's air dominance for the next forty years is assured. that one word... is how. it was really nice to meet you, a.j. yeah, you too. a.j.? (alarm blasting) (screaming) (phone rings) hello? this is bill with broadview security. is everything okay? no. there's this guy - he just smashed in my door. i'm sending help right now. thank you. (announcer) brink's home security is now broadview security. call now to install the standard system for just $99. the proven technology of a broadview security system delivers rapid response from highly-trained professionals, 24 hours a day.
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call now to get the $99 installation, plus a second keypad installed free. and, you could save up to 20% on your homeowner's insurance. call now-- and get the system installed for just $99. broadview security for your home or business-- the next generation of brink's home security. call now.
5:47 pm
hello, everyone. don lemon here live at cnn world headquarters in atlanta. senate democrats give health care reform the thumbs up to move forward. but look for the comes debate to be loud and acrimonious.
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democratic senator ben nelson warns that he wants tougher restrictions about how tax dollars will be used. republicans want concessions, too. full debate in the senate set to start after the thanksgiving holiday. a kennedy family dust up with the roman catholic church. a pitch shop is asking rhode island congressman patrick kennedy to stop taking communion. the bishop and kennedy, son of the late massachusetts senator edward kennedy are flashing over abortion. media reports kennedy as saying the bishop orders priests in his diocese not to administer the sack rement to him. the h1n1 virus is having an impact on muslims headed to the hajj. at least four pilgrims have died. three were elderly, one a teenager. some had pre-existing chronic health problems. the hajj starts we understand. a small radiation leak has triggered an investigation at three mile island.
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the leak was quickly contained and there's no threat to the public. three mile island was scene of the nation's worst nuclear accident in 1979. we'll update you on that story at the top of the hour. people in northwest england cleaning up after massive flooding. more than a foot of rain fell in a 24 hour period in some areas. more than 1,000 homes were flooded, hundreds of people had to be rescued. cnn's jacqui jeras joining us now in the cnn severe weather center. jacqui, that is amazing there. also the holiday forecast, lots of people traveling next week. >> a lot of people traveling already and trying to get a jump start on it. it's been rough going across the pacific northwest. a very powerful storm system brought incredible winds as strong as hurricane strength. thousands of people are still without power including the portland metro air wra. heavy snow will continue. this is going to start to taper off before your next storm arrives wednesday night and into thursday. the southeast dealing with just
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some nuisance rain showers. making for difficult travel here. nothing severe. you're looking at delays around 35 minutes at at atlanta hartsfield-jackson international airport. occasional delays throughout the day in the charlotte area. expect delays there for tomorrow as well as d.c., philly and new york city as that low pressure storm system makes its way up the coast. don? >> see you in a few minutes at the top of the hour. both jacqui and i will be here. (announcer) we call it the american renewal.
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>> we are back with the prime minister of india. mr. prime minister, you grew up a poor boy on a farm. scholarship student. you went to cambridge. here you are prime minister of the largest democracy in the world. did you ever think growing up as a child you would end up in this position? >> i'm sorry i never thought that i would reach that far. i am what i am because of the education that i received but it's a tribute to democracy that it was with such background as mine i can become the prime
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minister of this great republic of ours. >> do you think india's rise in that sense has a lesson to teach the world? >> i think india if it succeeds in a functioning democracy and attacking problems of poverty, disease, illiteracy, that if we do succeed, i think that's going to be an international public. it will have lessons for the evolution of the countries in the third world in the 21st century. the fact that there are very few countries of india's size have the main functioning democracy through 60 years of our independence and i think the world has to recognize that if
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we do succeed, it will have some bearing on evolution of the countries of the third world in the 21st century. >> mr. prime minister, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you very much. it's been great talking to you. , in 2009 clients rated wells fargo advisors the #1 u.s investment firm for doing what's best for them. with advisors nearby and nationwide, we're with you when you need advice and planning expertise to meet today's challenges. wells fargo advisors. together we'll go far. if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only new dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture, a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers... that can nourish deep down.
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call now - and get the system installed for just $99. broadview security for yop- home or business - the next generation of brink's home security. call now.
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now for our question of the week. last week president obama was ari arriving in china to meet with its leaders. do you think china has the upper hand in the u.s./china relationship? the vast majority of you said no pointing to what you see as china's weaknesses, internal repression, the poor human rights record, viewer larry jennings of new york city summed
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it up this way. you can't call a nation a superpower when it has such little concern for its own people. this week this is what i would like to know. i talked about evidence that american innovation may be waning. do you think the u.s. is still the world's most innovative country? let me know what you think and why. as always, i would like to recommend a book. it's called "too big to fail." a financial reporter for "the new york times" wrote the book. it's a real page turner. the financial meltdown told as a detective story. the same bankers and government hearings you see testifying on dry hearings in capitol hill are in this larger than life characters living through the drama with the highest stakes. that's what it was for these people. they were desperately trying to prevent the collapse of the world financial system. "too big to fail" clearly explains much of what brought us here. very good reading.


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